Kids’ meal mayhem
Kid Cuisine
April 26, 2018
Easy dinners for kids! Created in 1990, Kid Cuisine is a brand of packaged frozen dinners for children.
In this blog, I will review and discuss kids’ meals. I will review and discuss what is in the kid’s meal, the quality and quantity of the food and how kid’s meal have changed since I was a child.
For this blog, I’m doing something a little bit different than I normally do. Usually, I review fast food restaurant kids’ meals; however, I have been to every single local fast food restaurant and there are no more left! So, this week, and next week as well, I will be reviewing store bought kids’ meals!
If you know any fast food restaurants that I haven’t gone to, please comment!
Kid Cuisine:
Chicken nuggets
I’m going to give these nuggets a big fat no. I would literally rather have any other chicken nuggets from my previous reviews than this garbage. The nuggets had a dry flavorless taste that bored me. The texture of these chicken nuggets were spongy and rubbery. My first bite felt like I was eating string cheese–yuck! Let me tell you, chicken nuggets should not stretch like that.

Frozen dinner for children.
Kid Cuisine’s meal before being microwaved.
Macaroni and cheese
Where do I begin? This was the most disgusting and sickening macaroni and cheese I have ever had in my entire life. As soon as I took a spoonful of this trash, I literally spit it back out because it had such a repulsive taste. I imagine this is what bleach would taste like. Honestly, the aftertaste felt like there were chemicals in my mouth. I would never give this to my little cousins; giving this to a kid is child abuse.

Frozen meal dinner.
Kid Cuisine’s meal after being microwaved.
All in all, the corn was . . . eh. Not too good but not repulsive either. I would compare this corn to the corn I would receive in elementary school–no flavor whatsoever. However, after I added salt and pepper to it, it did taste somewhat better.
Pudding with cookie spoon
When I first looked at this chunky pudding I thought to myself, “this is disgusting–I’m not eating that.” Even when I took it out of the microwave it looked like this pudding was alive because it was moving–I’m not joking. But to my surprise, this lumpy wad of black pudding was the best part of this whole kids’ meal. The cookie spoon was also an added bonus–both were very tasty. The pudding was the only portion of the meal I ate entirely. It was delicious!–but not so delicious that it makes up for this abomination of a kids’ meal.

All Star Chicken Breast Nuggets.
Kid Cuisine’s kids’ meal comes with chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, corn, and pudding with cookie spoon.
Packaging and toy
This kids’ meal came in a cardboard box with a cute penguin on the front. The graphics were decent and the food looked very appetizing in the picture on the front of the box (given that taste of this meal, I have to say that this is false advertising). On the back of the box, directions were given for preparing the meal and a puzzle for kids’ to do while eating. There were also Star Wars and Avengers versions, but I wanted to try the original for this review.

Kid Cuisine.
Shown above, the back of Kid Cuisine’s kids’ meal.

Food safety and quality!
The directions for preparation of this kids’ meal can be seen above.
Final verdict
Overall, this was the worst kids’ meal I have ever had and received in the entirety of my existence on this planet. I truthfully do not recommend this kids’ meal–unless you really really despise a kid then go ahead, give him or her this meal, but if you love your little brother, sister, or cousin then please, be human and don’t torture that poor child with this mockery of a kids’ meal.