Gaby Sparacino

Snapshot! Sixth grade reading specialist Annie Rupp poses for her photo. She had a prep period prior to the interview, planning as much as she could for her classes.

Annie Rupp

Annie Rupp is a reading specialist and am currently working with sixth grade students that came to the junior high because she heard it was fun, well organized and all of her friends working here told her that they loved it!

She formerly worked at Ebner Elementary as a reading specialist for seven years. She is originally from Martinsburg, Pa. and moved to Altoona once she got married. 

She isn’t quite sure what inspired her to become a teacher, but she knew that since she was little, she always wanted to be a teacher. She has previously taught for 18 years. She went to Penn State University for her undergraduate degree in elementary education and then went to St. Francis University for her master’s degree, which she majored in elementary education. She most recently went back to St. Francis University for her reading specialist degree.

Her favorite part about teaching is getting to impact students in a positive way, taking an interest in her students and showing them that they can work hard and achieve their goals.

Advice she would give to people thinking about becoming a teacher is this.

“I would say if your heart’s in it, it’s the job for you. If you are doing it just because you get summers off, don’t do it. If you’re doing it for some ulterior motive, don’t do it, but if your heart is in it for the students and it’s what you’ve always wanted to do, then you should do it,” said Rupp.


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