Sophia Moran

Smile! This is seventh grade teacher Makayla Clemons first year teaching. Clemons had a piece of advice for other teachers she wanted to share. “If you are planning on becoming a teacher, it’s not as easy as you think it’s going to be. If you really want to do it and your heart is in it, then it will be the best decision you ever make,” said Clemons.

Makayla Clemons

Seventh grade geography teacher Makayla Clemons grew up in State College, Pa. She recently graduated from Penn State University where she majored in secondary education with a focus in social studies and minored in history and sociology.

Clemons was inspired to become a teacher because of the really good teachers that she had in the past. Teaching was also something she just really enjoyed doing. 


She was a teaching assistant in college, but other than that she had never taught before. Clemons has always wanted to be a teacher. She came here because she liked the atmosphere, the culture of Altoona and the pride that a lot of people have coming here. Clemons knows a lot of teachers who work here and have come here, which really meant a lot to her. 


Clemons wanted to share her favorite part of being a teacher. 


Clemons said, “My favorite part of teaching is definitely the students.”

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