Week of March 16-20
Track season has started as well as other spring sports. Get ready to get out there and support the athletes.
Monday, March 16
- 3-3:30 p.m. Circle of friends meeting
Tuesday, March 17
- ROAR store open 7:10-7:40 a.m.
Wednesday, March 18
Thursday, March 19
- ROAR store open 7:10-7:40 a.m.
Friday, March 20
- Free hat day (wear your favorite hat to school for no cost)
- March Madness day reward drawing
- All week during lunch, turn your lion loot in for a chance to get out of your afternoon classes and watch the game!
- Ninth graders, it’s benchmark week in most core classes, be sure to spend any extra time studying. The tests are 10% of your marking period grade. It may not seem like a lot, but it can make or break your grade!
- Please be advised the snow day on Monday January 26, 2015 will be made up on Friday March 20, 2015. The snow day on March 2, 2015 will be made up on Monday April 6, 2015. The snow day on March 4, 2015 will be made up on Thursday June 4, 2015
- Community Inspired Arts in currently working on The Empty Bowl project which will be held on April 29, 2015. Recently, the Mountain Lion BackPack committee helped make bowls with the club. All proceeds from the event will be donated towards the The Mountain Lion BackPack
- If you have not ordered your yearbook you can do so at www.jostens.
- Are you into writing, doing art or composing music? Literary magazine might be the thing for you! If you’re interesting in publishing your work in the literary magazine talk to Mrs. Vanish in room 234 or Mr. King in room 239. Student teachers spoke to all classes and there are also bags for submitting work in every English classroom.
Congratulations to the AAJHS drama club on their performance of the musical The Little Mermaid Junior