Planetside 2, is what many say is the start and one of the best mass multiplayer online games. This game is solely based on online cooperative multiplayer. This game has a lot of things to like- first the grouping system, weapons and special abilities for each class. I will be judging this game out of 5 stars.
This game allows players to choose one of three groups. The Terran Republic, New Conglomerate and Vanu Sovereignty. Each group has their own abilities. For example the Vanu Sovereignty has faster reloading, faster aiming and more futuristic weapons that will do more impact damage. The player decides what group he or she wants and what server to go on. When the player is actually playing, he can press “m” to see the main map. From there he can see each group and where the lands are based on the color. The flashing places are where the battle is going on right now, and the player can jump right into battle with friends on sides and try to win the area.
This game also has a lot of different weapons. The weapons for each group are different in their own ways. Each has separate weapons, but the player can unlock all weapons with experience and a lot of land. The way the creators set up the unlock system is like this. Players get a certain amount of points each minute depending on how much land they have. With these points the player can purchase different weapons and upgrades for vehicles and the player.
There are multiple classes kind of like Team Fortress 2, where there are a few people to choose from. There is light weight, infantry, heavy, max and more. Each class has something special and their own weapons. For example, light weight has low power smg’s and a secondary, but has a jetpack to fly for a certain amount of time. Each class has different advantages and disadvantages.
This game is really fun and the player will definitely have a good time. I give this game 4.5 out of 5 stars. It is a very fun game, but to be able to play this game on high quality, lets just say you would need a Godly amount of hard drive. If they could slow the speed and with that subtract some needed hard drive, then I think this game would be played a lot more. This game is free and there is no reason not to try the game out.