Safe Haven was directed by Lasse Hallstrom. Nicholas Sparks wrote the book. He writes a bunch of great romantic stories. The genres of this movie are romance, drama and mystery. My favorite part about this movie is how Katie and Alex, the main characters, had past relationships. As they kept talking they fell in love and Katie’s safe haven was Alex. This is a great movie, and it gets 10 stars. Everything about this movie is incredible.
In the beginning of the movie, Katie is running from her crazy ex husband. He is a police officer so he could find her anywhere. She dyes her hair blonde and goes to Southport, North Carolina. There she is safe, and he can’t find her. Katie meets a girl which becomes her best friend named Jo.
While she was there she meets a guy. He has two children. Their names are Josh and Lexie. His wife died of cancer. They weren’t looking for a relationship because of what they are going through. Eventually she gets close to his children. He notices that they like her, so he starts hanging out with her.
On the Fourth of July, Katie stayed home with Lexie, and Alex and Josh went to watch the fireworks. Katie’s crazy ex, Tierney, finds them. He tries to kill Katie and he lights the house on fire while Lexie is still in there. Alex sees that the house is on fire and comes to the rescue. He gets Lexie to safety. Then he realizes who did it. He is attacking Katie. Katie shoots him and goes to Lexie to see if everything is okay. The ending of this movie is amazing. This is a must see.
This movie is a chick flick, but most guys liked it. If you asked around most guys would say they hate romance movies, but they liked this movie. In the book Katie has blonde hair and dyes in brown. In the movie she does the opposite. Also, in the book she didn’t rely on anybody. Instead of help from her neighbor, Jo, she did everything independently in the book. In the book, Katie protected the Alex and his kids when Kevin lit the house on fire with Katie and the kids inside. In the movie, only Lexie was in the house when the fire happened and Alex and Josh were were farther from the house.