Editorial: Students recollect school year
May 30, 2017
It’s time to say goodbye to the 2016-17 school year and, for ninth graders at least, the Altoona Area Junior High School. Some might be sad to see this year pass, while others might be letting out a sigh of relief; either way, there were many highlights to this school year with a couple standing out more than others.
The year kicked off with the seventh and eighth grade boys’ and girls’ soccer teams. The girls had a record of 17-0, which made them undefeated, while the boys had a record of 14-2 their whole season. Both teams did a fantastic job and worked hard, which paid off!
Alongside the soccer champions, the assortment of teams did really well in their assigned categories of competition. Track athletes, gymnasts, and general sport players alike had a good year with their sportive rivalries.
Many other teams also proved victorious this year in bringing home trophies and medallions, though not all of them were sports teams.
Mock Trial members, chorus students, TSA participants and teachers of the Technology and Engineering Department showed that beyond a doubt they were further contributors to the AAJHS’ success this year.
Following in the footsteps of the overall excellent trophy season, drama club had multiple triumphs with their variety of plays and programs throughout the school year. In the fall they performed Ten Reasons Why You Should’ve Stayed Home Sick Today, and in the spring Singing in the Rain.
However, not all the memories from this school year were good ones. There was a “bomb threat” made by a student in March. It affected the whole school and had a lot of students worried for their lives. Hopefully students realize the impact that a “joke” can have on the rest of the school. In the past few months, the AASD also lost a couple of dear friends and students. Emma Auker, from the AAHS, and Wyatt Lansberry, from the AAJHS, come to mind. The two will forever be in the hearts of students and staff.
Now students will take all of their memories, the good and the bad, and prepare to move on to another grade and for ninth grade another building.