Fundraising students rewarded

Gianna Ciavarella, Reporter

Junior High students went onto the IM field to celebrate Harvest Day on Oct 5.

Junior High students who sold two magazines in a fundraiser during the month of September got to spend five hours outside for Harvest Day. Harvest Day is a day where students play games, sports and eat iconic carnival snacks. Some even went home with a large gift basket if they entered in a giveaway.

 Ninth grade student Sophie Auker went to Harvest Day.

“I played games and hung out with Gianna Ciavarella; I also sat on the bleachers and I ate lunch,” Auker said.

This is Sophie’s last year at the junior high.

“It is upsetting, I will no longer be able to get out of class and enjoy lovely Harvest Day, I will be stuck in the high school,” Auker said.

Seventh grader Kasey Reid sees Harvest Day differently. She’s pre-teen, and it’s a fresh start for her. At Harvest Day Kasey played a lot of games and had high expectations for that day.

“ I assumed it would be exclusively sports and only a few games here and there. I did really enjoy what I got out of my day though,” seventh grader Kasey Reid said.

Kasey has a lot of different friends from different grades. She enjoyed being able to hang out with all of them. Most of her friends were interested in doing the same thing.

“ I really only subjected myself to the obstacle course, sports, and games with some friends,” Reid said.

Students were given a paper on Harvest Day that had a list of the activities and food prices. On the paper in bold, the text states “TAKE NOTE: LUNCH WILL BE OUTSIDE! YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR YOUR NORMAL LUNCH ENTREE!!!”.

“ I feel whether they charge you or not someone will end up complaining. Yet who wouldn’t love a free lunch?” Auker said.

“ No, it’s just a same old regular day so we should be charged the same,” Reid said.

Teachers either stayed inside to teach or volunteered outside. Elizabeth Bronson is an eighth grade American Cultures teacher and also the eighth grade student council adviser. The student council body is responsible for setting up and taking down anything needed for Harvest Day and many other activities.

“I was here at 6:30 setting up and finished cleaning up at 2:45,” eighth grade teacher Elizabeth Bronson said.

Bronson enjoys seeing her student and all of the kids enjoying their day. Her expectations were met on Harvest Day.

“The expectations are that the kids have fun.  I think that was accomplished!  There are always some things that need to be “tweaked” but overall I think the day was a success,” Bronson said.