This week’s pet is a Schnoodle named Baby Dotson. A Schnoodle is a breed of dog that is a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. His owner is Harrison Pellegrine. Pellegrine got Baby Dotson three years ago because his sister wanted him.
“We got him because my sister wanted him,” Pellegrine said.
Schnoodles weight ranges between ten and twenty pounds. They require normal care. They need bathed regularly, and require premium dog food. A Schnoodle’s skin is very sensitive. After giving them a bath, their skin gets very dry so moisturizer is necessary. They should also be brushed daily to avoid becoming matted and tangled.
Schnoodles are very strong willed.
“He howls all the time, and he bit somebody,” Pellegrine said.
When they are puppies, Schnoodles should be enrolled in obedience school. They make great family pets as long as the kids learn to treat them with respect. Schnoodles love to snuggle and play. They are full of energy and will demand attention. They also have a life expectancy of fifteen to eighteen years. Before someone buys a Schnoodle, they should make sure that they are able to fulfill all of the needs to give the Schnoodle a long happy life.