I have walked through the halls and have seen people kissing. A kiss I can deal with, but when I walk through the halls and see full contact making out I and almost everyone around me gets disgusted. Every day right before lunch these things reach their peak

PDA or physical displays of affection cannot be in this school. I am glad the students have a rule for no PDA. This annoys me beyond no end. PDA distracts me from school. It distracts me because if someone is kissing right in front of me I can’t help but scream “PDA” in my head.
The rule for PDA needs to be enforced better. Everyday I see at least one person in school kissing in the hallway, and no one does anything about it. Can the students who do this save it for outside of class or do they have to display it disgustingly in school? Not enough teachers actually do anything to students who do these kinds of things.
To all the students who do show PDA, there is a rule against it and it distracts students like myself from work. Hugging and things like that do not annoy me and I don’t care about it, but when someone is making out in the hallway I find it very awkward and annoying for that matter.