Top Five of the week
May 10, 2018
* This is a weekly blog that goes over the top five of something each week*
This week I am going over the top five TV shows of 2018. This will feature TV shows starting this year or finishing a new season.
Number #5: Last Man on Earth
This shows follows a man living his life after he has survived the apocalypse. It goes on throughout the seasons with him meeting people and surviving tough situations. This show started in 2015 and ended it fourth season this week and still has me hooked since its first season with such an interesting plot.
Number #4: The Walking Dead
A show notorious for killing off main characters just came to a climatic season 8 finale. This season follows Rick on his all out war with the saviors. The season comes to climatic end with the final battle between Rick and Negan. The show still has a steady fan following and people are getting very excited for the ninth and believed to be the final season.
Number #3: Barry
A new comedy coming out of HBO with Bill Hader where it follows a man who wants to take a new direction toward the theater who is also a hitman. It is an extremely funny show with the really funny Bill Hader.
Number #2: The Good Place
With the season 2 finale happening in February, we weren’t sure what to expect from the show, with the group being judged to see if they could go to the good place. Like the season before it ended on another cliffhanger and made its audience wanting more from the series.
Number #1: Atlanta
The great Donald Glover has recently released his new season of Atlanta and it’s as funny as every. The Robbin season came out a little later due to the fact Glover was playing Lando in the upcoming Star wars movie, and it was well worth the wait.