Seventh-eighth grade classrooms

Brayden Adams, Reporter

Listen Up!
The class studies their student teacher very carefully. Angie Baughman’s fourth period English class learned about grammar on the second week of school.


Work it Up!
Julie Good has set up an elaborate plan to get her students into working on their assignments! Her fourth period reading class worked on vocabulary terms for an upcoming story.
Stay On Task!
Seventh grade students have started to create a healthy bond with Good. Her fourth period reading class worked on vocabulary terms while she helped a student that appeared to be struggling with his work.
Flippin’ Around!
Eighth grade students are looking up information for their science teacher. Barb Mackereth’s fourth period science class had their books out on their desks looking for vocabulary words to put on their vocabulary cards.
Follow My Instructions!
Students in eighth grade want to succeed in life, so they follow the instructions given to them. Mackereth’s fourth period science class worked on vocabulary cards for the first unit of their science course.