Seventh graders change to block schedule
Seventh Grade ELA Classroom Seventh grade students read during their fourth period ELA class. The students worked together to complete an assignment during the 90 minute period.
October 23, 2019
Building administrators decided to change the seventh grade schedule from eight periods to six periods a day at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year.
ELA and mathematics classes changed to block periods which are 90 minutes each, while social studies, science and all elective periods remain 45 minutes each.
According to administrators, doing this allows for enrichment and interventions to occur.
“It’s not just about time, but the focus on the state standards, specifically those that are tested. Since there is such a big emphasis on math and ELA, that’s why we focused on those two areas,” head principal Lori Mangan said.
The lunch schedules for all grades have differed by the eighth and ninth grade lunches being moved back and seventh was pushed to the latest lunch which starts at 12:25 p.m.
“I like the new lunch schedule. I like eating later because I’m not hungry throughout the rest of the day. I feel my hunger is satisfied until dinner,” seventh grader Arianna Laich said.
Administration has decided that in the 2020-2021 school year, to change the new sixth grade schedule to the block periods as well, leaving the eighth graders with the eight period day schedule.
Due to the new schedule, a challenge has come for the English and reading teachers as well as the students.
“I’ve never taught English in the past so that’s now a big challenge for me to learn a whole new curriculum,” seventh grade ELA teacher Lori Homan said.
The seventh grade students who are taking chorus, band or orchestra will not be taking the other elective courses of information processing and family consumer science.
“I’m kind of disappointed that I didn’t get the chance to take FCS. I was looking forward to do the baby project,” seventh grader Arianna Laich said.
Over all, teachers, principals and administration feel that the seventh grade schedule change has made a positive impact on the school.
“It allows more time to advance in the subjects that are more difficult for each individual student,” seventh grade ELA teacher Lori Homan said.