AAJHS Student Council

Student council is up and running at AAJHS! Members were chosen on Monday, November 23, 2020. Students will have the opportunity to be involved in the school and plan activities. They will organize school projects such as canned food drives, dances and holiday activities.
With the ongoing pandemic, activities will be different than they were in the past. “We will plan virtual activities this year,” Beth Bronson, an 8th grade American Cultures teacher and 8th grade student council advisor said. “We will try to be as creative as possible with them.”
Some of the other activities the student council is planning for this school year include: spirit weeks, holiday drives, and a holiday party. Additionally, they are hoping to hold a dance, but it is not definite because of COVID-19. However, school spirit weeks can be held virtually.
“The selection process was different this year than in the past; we had the kids fill out a Google Form and send it through their email instead of the traditional application,” Ryan Baranik, the 6th grade student council advisor said. Baranik is new to the junior high school, but not to student council. He was the advisor at Logan Elementary first. Students got an email on November 23, 2020, letting them know if they were accepted into the program or denied eligibility. Some benefits of being on the student council are developing teamwork skills, gaining leadership skills and it can even help individuals grow as a person and expand your knowledge.
Advisors are looking forward to watching students grow and learn. Bronson and Baranik said they enjoy this process the most. “When past junior high school student council members come back from the high school to visit and I see they are still with the student council, it makes me so happy,” Bronson says. “Kids growing and getting to see them grow is my favorite part” Baranik added.

Hey! My name is Charlie Kephart, and I am an eighth grader here at AAJHS. Writing has been my passion since fourth grade. I wanted to write for Livewire...