News brief: Altoona Mt. Lion’s 4v4 Football Tournament
Attention all football players! If you’re looking for an opportunity to play some football during the off season, this is for you.
This Saturday and Sunday will be the very first Altoona Mt. Lion’s 4v4 Football Tournament.
For a fee of $40, you can put together a team of 4-6 players and play two guaranteed games.
On Saturday grades six and under will play beginning at 8 a.m. inside the junior high.
Seventh and eighth grade will play on Sunday at 9 a.m. in the high school fieldhouse.
This is a great opportunity to be seen by coaches.
“The idea is to get kids familiar with us and excited for football,” said coach Brian Camberg.
As of now, the tournament is only open to Altoona students, but Camberg hopes to expand it to other schools.
Coach Camberg said, “My goal would be to open it up to other junior high schools around.”
Text your friends and get involved!

Hello! My name is Vionna Jackson, and I am an eighth grade reporter. I look forward to working with the news writing staff this year and gaining experience....
ezrah • Mar 20, 2023 at 12:04 pm
i would have went but i was in new jersey ewith my grampawents idk why i told u this but anway good writing vionna mom
Graycie • Mar 24, 2023 at 4:19 pm
That would be nice if i could go somewhere