Announcements for Tuesday, May 9!
(5/4-5/12) 2023 Yearbooks have arrived and will be distributed during the last week of school. We DID receive extra copies, you CAN still reserve your book by ordering online at or seeing Mrs. Tromm in Room 229. Yearbooks are $34.
(5/8-5/11) The Friends of Rachel club would like to express our gratitude to the maintenance department for hanging up our many links of kindness. On Thursday, May 11th during 8th period, Friends of Rachel students will be collecting ALL of the teachers’ materials for the kindness chains. Please include any completed links that you may have and both folders. If you are a Friend of Rachel club member and would like to help, please see Ms Dodge in rm 365 for instructions. Thank you everyone for filling our halls with kindness.
(5/9-5/10) Attention 8th graders:
An email from Mrs. Bronson is being sent out to those 8th grade students who are eligible for Roarapalooza. Please check your email as it will give you the details for Friday’s in school event. Remember, the only money you would need is if you plan on buying extra raffle tickets for chances to win any of the prize baskets.
(5/9) Congratulations to the 7th & 8th Grade Girls Track Team. The team outscored Hollidaysburg 115 – 35 to complete their regular season undefeated. On Saturday, the girls will be competing in the Heralded Altoona Middle School Championship Meet at Mansion Park. This is one of the largest middle school meets in the state and competition for the coveted team trophy will be fierce. Please come out and show your support for these very talented athletes.
(5/9)The Maroon baseball team split a doubleheader with Bellefonte yesterday. In game one, a stellar pitching performance by Montae Andrews wasn’t enough and the Mountain Lions lost by a score of 2-1.
In game 2, Reese Hite and Anthony Riccio had 2 hits apiece, and Cohen Cochran and Owen Hileman added some fantastic work on the mound in a 7-4 victory.
(5/9) This Month’s School counseling tip Tuesday topic is Mindfulness. Mindfulness encourages us to be present by training our brains to be “in the moment” instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. For more information, see your school counselor or English teacher.
(5/15-5/17) Due to the community service students having end of the year activities the help desk last day will be on May 17th.

Hello! I'm Riley Glunt, an eighth grade reporter. In my free time, I like to read dramas and realistic fiction, and I also like to draw, mostly cartoon...