Announcements for Tuesday, May 23!
Attention 8th grade boys interested in playing Golf for the High School Golf team this fall. We will be having an organizational meeting for all Boys interested in trying out for the Altoona High School boys golf team this fall on Tuesday May 30th at 2:45 pm in the Lobby of the Fieldhouse. Please see coach Kozak or email him at: [email protected] if you are unable to attend this meeting.
Attention All Students: This Friday is the last lollipop sale of the school year! All lollipops cost 50 cents, and will be sold in the holding areas and outside your grade level office. There is a limited supply so get them while they last!
Attention 8th grade girls interested in playing volleyball next school year at the high school: There will be an informational meeting on Thursday after school in the lobby of the High School Fieldhouse. All girls interested in playing for the Lady Spikers in the fall are encouraged to attend. If you have questions, please contact Coach Fasolo.
Attention 6th and 7th grade girls interested in playing volleyball for the junior high next school year: There will be an informational meeting this Friday, May 26th, in Mrs. Zerbee’s room (room 327). All girls interested in trying out for the team should attend. If you have any questions, please contact Coach Fasolo.
The library is still missing about 200 books. Please return your library book asap. Drop if off in the drop box located outside the library. Any 8th grader with an overdue book will be marked lost on June 2nd and become a fine in Skyward.
This Month’s School counseling tip Tuesday topic is Mindfulness. Mindfulness encourages us to be present by training our brains to be “in the moment” instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. For more information, see your school counselor or English teacher.

Hello! I'm Riley Glunt, an eighth grade reporter. In my free time, I like to read dramas and realistic fiction, and I also like to draw, mostly cartoon...