Our school is holding a money challenge to support our community. With your help and generosity, we as a school can help fight hunger!
The winning homeroom from each grade that donates the most money will win donuts and a movie. Second and third place homerooms get a movie!
By donating some money, we can help fight hunger. All the money will be donated to Sister Paula Food Bank.
We haven’t done anything like this in quite a while. So we are very excited to host this fundraiser!
Eighth grade American culture teacher Elizabeth Bronson said,” We used to hold a dance and donate the proceeds from the dance. This year it was not feasible. ”
Donations will be accepted March 18-22.
So, this week, please do your part and donate!
McKenna Koeck • Mar 18, 2024 at 2:25 pm
I would donate, but I don’t have any money, and I know my mom isn’t giving me any lol. The money challenge is a good idea though, it’s a win-win. The food bank gets lots of money to feed people, and some of us get donuts or a movie!