Cindy and Andy Danish met in college.
“She got hired here a year before me. We met when she was hanging out on my dorm floor,” said A. Danish.
Cindy says that there’s many pros to working with Andy!
C. Danish said, “It’s wonderful. I like it because he knows the same things I’m going through, so if we need to vent, we kind of know what’s going on and we understand each other.”
A. Danish said we kind of share ideas about what works best in our classrooms.
Cindy is a seventh grade geography teacher while Andy is an eighth grade American cultures teacher. Cultures and geography both deal with social studies, so they can share thoughts on that content.
“We both teach social studies, and I used to teach American history at D. S. Keith Junior High School, so we can share some materials,” said C. Danish.
A. Danish said it’s kind of nice because when you’re working in the same field, you can share ideas and we can implement what works for each other in our classes.
If a student has Cindy as a teacher, they can have an idea what Andy’s class is like if they get him.
“She gives me a heads up of what her students that are coming are going to be like,” A. Danish said.
C. Danish said I guess the only downside is that if my students go to him, he could brag that they like him better. I get them first though, so they like me first.
“It’s kind of nice to just talk and share information about how your day went,” A. Danish said, “and we have a lot of things in common.”
isaiah brandt • Sep 23, 2024 at 2:21 pm
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