This year’s Red Ribbon Week theme is Life is a Movie, Film Drug Free.”. The theme is a call to action to speak out in support of healthy choices. It also serves as a reminder that we are all empowered with shaping the communities around us through positivity, bravery, and strength.
Thanks for showing your support and wearing Red today. Monday’s theme is Team Up Against Drugs! Wear your favorite sports team or dress as your favorite character or team from a sports movie. Could be professional, college, local…
Anyone interested in joining Mathcounts is still very welcome to attend! We practice weekly on Mondays afterschool until 3:45. Please see Mrs. Abbott for details. Permission forms are outside her classroom C275. Please note: The meeting of Monday October 28 is canceled however we will resume the following Monday.
Mrs. Loucks is still looking for students looking to join Book Club. If you would enjoy participating with a small group of students who appreciate reading or discussing books, please join us on October 30 from 2:45-3:15. If you’re not sure it’s for you, stop by anyway and see for yourself! Hope to see you on October 30 from 2:45-3:15. Be sure you have a ride to pick you up promptly at 3:15.
Attention Students: The library will be sending home overdue notices to parents for the first marking period on Monday, November 4th. If you have any overdue library books, please renew or return them as soon as possible.
The wellness committee is inviting students, grades 6-8, to the Fall Game Night, Wednesday, October 30th.
Meet in the Gym after school and enjoy Game time until 3:45.
Be sure to have your transportation home available at this time.