Sixth grader Jeffery Millard placed second in the 2024 Special Olympics!
It was a game of focus that came naturally to him. But when he rolled the bocce ball, everything felt right.
Millard said, “Mom showed me how to play.”
Since he loved it, Millard always practiced playing this game.
“The best way to win is to get lots of practice, ” said Millard.
He very excitedly told me that the ball had a certain feeling. One that reminded him of something awesome.
Millard said, “It felt like a squishy ball, but also felt like the WWE!”
Millard said that it felt like the WWE because it felt like I was a champion!
The stadiums were packed. Millard couldn’t believe it, but he decided to get past these people who were blocking his path to victory. So Millard said before he warms up for his game he gets a little bit of practice, and wears Penn State clothes!
Millard said, “I wore it because they had a big game and for good luck.”
Millard placed second and got silver medal for his achievement. Everyone is proud of him for reaching that goal of scoring well and playing like a champ!