Baseball tryouts begin today. 7th graders will remain in 8th period and should report to the gym lobby after the 2:40 bell to meet coaches.
Any 8th grade student interested in trying out for the 2025-26 AAHS Cheer squad should join the Google Classroom for all information. The Google Classroom code is “ceazsef”.
Attention 7th & 8th-grade students who are interested in joining the track and field team. The first practice day will be Monday 3/3/25 from 3-4:30 PM. We will be reviewing team rules and expectations. Please report to the cafeteria closest to the main office. If you have any questions about physicals or what’s required in order to be able to participate, please stop by Coach Camberg’s room (C431) to receive the necessary information.
Attention students and faculty:
Mini Thon t-shirt forms are out! Don’t forget to order yours! The deadline to order is March 5!!! Color is neon blue! Cost is $10 and all orders need to go to Mrs. Bronson in Room 212! Help this worthy cause and support childhood cancer!
Attention students, to promote acceptance and spread kindness through the school you will have the opportunity to try to earn a free fidget and sign the Promote Acceptance banner that is displayed in the main lobby. On March 5th, during the end of your lunch period you have the opportunity to be chosen to sign the banner and win a free gift from the Junior High School Bocce Ball team. To be chosen you need to be displaying exceptional lunchroom and school expectations. Lunch monitors will be watching.