Attention Mathcounts students:
Due to scheduling conflicts, the regular Mathcounts meeting will be moved to Friday of this week (3-14-25). Please email Mrs. Abbott if you cannot make it or with any questions.
Attention students: This week we are celebrating career week! Today’s theme is “College Day.” The career cluster we’re highlighting today is Human Services. The primary goal of human services professionals is to improve the quality of life and address the social, emotional, physical, and economic needs of individuals and communities. This can include working with vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and those facing homelessness or substance abuse issues. Tomorrow’s theme is “Career Day:” dress as the career you want.
Bocce Ball season starts next week. It is not too late to sign up. If you have any interest or questions about signing up and becoming a player you can stop buy C355 and talk with Miss Novitski or room C343 and talk with Miss Croyle. We would love to have you join the Junior High Bocce team.
Attention all students who have signed the interest sheet for the NASA Leadership Program. Please check your Google Classrooms from Mr. Hatch and Ms. Gardner for the invite code for the NASA Google Classroom. Be sure to check in daily for announcements and activities.
This is just a reminder to all students to check grade level offices, 1st floor main office and cafeteria one for any lost items such as clothes, electronics, glasses, etc.