For the safety of all, during dismissal, students are required to use the designated crosswalk area or crossing area near each crossing guard. No student should cross the street in any other location and should never walk between buses.
Attention Bocce ball players, tomorrow, Tuesday March 18th, will be our first practice. Practice starts at 2:50 and lasts until 3:35. We will meet outside Miss Novitski’s room, C355. A ride will need to be at the school at 3:35 to pick you up.
Attention members of the AAJHS Drama Club:
Our March meeting will take place after school tomorrow (Tuesday, March 18th) in the auditorium. It will last until 3:45. Please be sure to have a ride ready to pick you up at that time!
Are you wondering who had the best overall attendance last week? It was eighth grade with seventh grade as a VERY close runner up! Keep your eye on the attendance board outside the nurse’s office again this week, and make each of these next four days count!
Congratulations to the following 6th grade girls who participated in the Middle School State Championship Basketball tournament this weekend. The girls placed 3rd out of 20 teams. Congratulations again to the following girls:
Kiyah Cooper
Simadhi Dingwall
Brooklyn Buchanan
Greer Chirdon
Campbell Fleegle
McKalya Gority
Alissa Douglas