For the safety of all, during dismissal, students are required to use the designated crosswalk area or crossing area near each crossing guard. No student should cross the street in any other location and should never walk between buses.
Thank you to all the staff who participated in yesterday’s rock, paper, scissors challenge! We definitely saw some heated games throughout the day, and we hope you enjoyed it! To those who lost, may you have better luck during next year’s challenge. The following staff may report to room C327 (Mrs. Hetrick’s room) any time today other than between 12pm-1pm to claim your gift card: Jessica DeLancy, our first floor winner with 6 necklaces, John King, our second floor winner with 2 necklaces, Trevor Beck, our third floor winner with 9 necklaces, and finally, Shayna Bice, our fourth floor winner with 4 necklaces. Congratulations to our winners!