Attention all 8th grade students who will be entering 9th grade for the 2025-2026 school year: If you are interested in being a part of the AAHS Lioneer Dance Team, please email Mrs Schmoke at [email protected]. Please provide your name, grade and email address. Tryouts are going to be held at the high school fieldhouse on Tuesday April 1st from 2:45-4:00 and Thursday April 3rd from 2:45-5:00.
For the safety of all, during dismissal, students are required to use the designated crosswalk area or crossing area near each crossing guard. No student should cross the street in any other location and should never walk between buses.
Congratulations to Cody Mallery on placing second in the state this weekend at the Keystone State Championships!
This is a reminder to all students and staff: Heelys are not permitted to be worn in school. Also, sunglasses are only permitted to be worn in school on designated theme days.
The Circle of Friends Club is meeting after school today, Thursday, March 20th at 2:45 in Miss Moyer’s room 226. Make sure you have a ride at 3:45 when we are finished. If you have questions, see Miss Moyer or Miss Novitski. We hope to see you there!
Attention students:
Tomorrow, Oliver Krainer will be traveling to Harrisburg to the State Mathcounts competition to represent the Altoona Area Junior High School in the State Mathcounts competition, where he will be competing against other regional winners from their areas. Please wish Oliver good luck today when you see him! Good luck Oliver!
Attention track athletes participating in the meet today. You will be dismissed at 2:00. You are to go to your locker and then report directly to the locker room.