As you grow up, you start to realize how important sports are for various reasons. Sports have been around for a very long time, and they help you with benefits like personality, confidence and health. People make a lot of friends and relationships while playing a sport.
I have been playing sports for about seven years, and I am still playing. Throughout my life, I have made lots of friends and relationships with other people. Others need to realize that playing a sport helps you make friends. Even though you might be scared to do the sport, just try.
Also, you gain a lot of confidence throughout the progress of the sport and you might not realize how much you really enjoy playing the sport. When it comes to playing, it is not always about the talent. Ssometimes, it is about how you are feeling and how you like it. You might not be the best, but as long as you’re having fun and you are making friends, it is worth it.
When I first started playing a sport, I was so scared and embarrassed to talk to people. I was kind of just by myself in the corner, but as I started to grow up, I realized you need friends, and they help you a lot when you’re playing a sport. Friends help you get through the hard times and the easy times, but it is a lot easier to make friends when you play a sport together.
So, overall it is important to play a sport because it helps you make a lot of friends and also it helps with you mental health. People might not realize it, but playing a sport is just about trying and putting in effort, so if you aren’t the best then just try, and you might be better than you think.
Also friends help you get through the high and the lows so you need them. When you play a sport, they can help you a lot.