Mini thon tickets will be on sale this week. You will be called during 4th or 6th period. 7th grade will be today and 8th grade Wednesday. Thursday and Friday will be make-up for anyone that did not get a ticket. You will need your tickets and ID to get in on Friday. If you do not have both, you will not be allowed to enter. Cost is $10. Any questions see Mrs Bronson in room 212
Attention Students and Teachers: The library will be closed this morning. It will open at 11:00. Please do not send any students to the library before 11 today. The help desk will be open its normal hours of 8:15-10:15.
The Vocal Ensemble and Chamber Orchestra will be traveling to the State Capitol to perform in honor of Music in Our Schools Month today! We are very proud of these students and wish them the best as they not only will be representing our school, but music students from all over Pennsylvania. Teachers- they are to report to the band room at 8:10 today. Please dismiss them at that time.
Congratulations to two wrestlers who placed in the Pennsylvania Junior Wrestling state championships this weekend!
Cody Mallery with a 4th place finish.
Nate Picciotti with a 3rd place finish.
Oliver Krainer traveled to Harrisburg over the weekend and participated in the State Mathcounts competition Friday and Saturday! He represented our school amongst 160 total state mathcounts competitors. There are a total of 1800 students across Pennsylvania who compete to qualify for this great event. Congratulations to Oliver as he placed in the top 25% of all state competitors! This is an amazing feat! Good job, Oliver!