School Clubs
Mathcounts – mandatory meeting Friday, Jan. 31 at 7:15 a.m.; upcoming competition on Saturday, Feb. 1
Drama Club – stage crew needed for upcoming production of Peter Pan Jr.
Reading Club – last week to sell Marianna’s hoagies for money towards upcoming field trip in May
Anime Club – first meeting after school Thursday, Feb. 6 at 3 p.m. in Mr. Garlic’s room, C351
TSA – mandatory meeting Jan. 30 after school to discuss upcoming Region 8 competition this Saturday at State College
Literary Magazine – meeting Friday, Jan. 31 in cafeteria
Hoops for Jack – Lady Lion Basketball team goes against Hollidaysburg in the field house on Friday, Jan. 31. Students who purchased a Hoops for Jack t-shirt should wear it on this day dedicated to Jack Grassmyer. AAJHS students bought over 600 shirts.
Seventh and eighth grade Maroon Girls’ Basketball – upcoming away game vs. Mifflin County on Thursday, Jan. 30
Seventh and eighth grade White Girls Basketball – home game vs. Hollidaysburg on Monday, Jan. 27, seventh grade lost 12-24 and eighth grade lost 31-34; upcoming away game vs. Tyrone on Thursday, Jan. 30
Ninth grade Girls’ Basketball – away game vs. MIfflin County on Monday, Jan. 27, girls lost 43-52; upcoming away game vs. Williamsport on Friday, Jan. 31
Maroon Boys’ Basketball – ninth grade home game vs. Indiana on Wednesday, Jan. 29, boys won 31-22; game against Mifflin County rescheduled for Friday, Feb. 14
Ninth grader Daiquin Watson tips off the begging of the game. The boys ninth grade maroon team won against Indiana. -
White Boys’ Basketball – boys lost 54-29 against State College Thursday, Jan. 28
Ninth grader, Steve Franklin, plays defense. He was defending the ball so that the opposing team did not score.
Photo by Hanna Feathers -
Wrestling – home match against Tyrone canceled due to weather on Tuesday, Jan. 28; no reschedule date as of now
Softball – open gyms starting on Jan. 28 and Jan. 30 for all ninth graders that want to play softball, held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Penn-Lincoln from 7-9 p.m.
Swimming – both the Boys and Girls Swim Teams defeated Marion Center Thursday, Jan. 28; records now stand at 7 wins 3 losses for the girls and 8 wins 2 losses for the boys
Cheerleading – anyone who does not have the necessary physical form and packets should stop at Mrs. Barry-Kyle’s room, C272, by the end of the week to pick them up
School Events
Western Day rescheduled from Jan. 31 to Feb. 28 due to the Hoops for Jack event this Friday.
Last chance for yearbooks! Order all yearbooks before Jan. 31 at Prices range from $24 – $37 depending on the package.