Students should be able to take notes on a laptop. Taking notes on a laptop would be quicker than writing them out. Teachers could have their students take more notes than they do now. They could get through notes quicker which could result in getting work done quicker.
Schools should provide laptops and thumb drives for students to take notes on. If a student wants a better laptop or thumb drive, they can bring their own in.
Also, taking notes on a laptop is more user friendly. Writing notes out can make student’s hands hurt, but if they type them, their hands would not hurt as bad. It would be more user friendly because a laptop is lighter than a binder. Carrying a laptop would be less weight to carry around than carrying a binder with notebooks for every class.
Taking notes on a laptop is easier because there is more storage space. In a standard notebook, there is 70 sheets of paper, but in a laptop, there is much more storage.
Some say that a student can’t be trusted having a laptop, but others think highly of them. If students are given the freedom of having a laptop to carry around and take notes on, they might take more responsibility. It might teach students how to take care of their belongings and take responsibility for their actions.
With taking notes on a laptop, it would be easier. Many things in school are done or could be done with technology and laptops. If classwork and homework can be done on a laptop, why should notes not be taken on them?
With all of the assignments being done on laptops, it would make it easier to have a window with notes on them rather than a notebook full of notes.When homework is given and notes are needed, they are easy to get to if they are on the laptop.
Adults take notes and do many things on a computers, so why shouldn’t students? Students are expected to act mature and older, but they aren’t given a simple freedom like taking notes on a laptop.