This week’s throwback is Teen Titans! Teen Titans was a DC cartoon that originally aired on Cartoon Network and The WB. The show was originally premiered in 2003. It was based around the DC comic series New Teen Titans.
The main characters were Robin, Starfire, Beastboy, Raven, Cyborg and Terra.
Robin is the leader of the group. Leading comes naturally to him. He has a secret crush on Starfire, which isn’t so secret. In fact, his crush is obvious to everyone, even to the villains that they fight.
Starfire is an alien princess from the planet Tamaran. Starfire also has a secret crush on Robin which is obvious to everyone still. She is kind and curious. Starfire is also oblivious to the way things are done on planet Earth.
Cyborg is half human and half robot. He is a super-genius. Beast Boy is his best friend who loves playing videogames with him.
Beast Boy was originally a part of the superhero team Doom Patrol. When he was younger, he was bitten by a green monkey which caused him to gain his green color and his abilities to shape shift.
Raven is from the world Azarath. She has the power of dark energy. Her power can be reached and strengthened by her emotions.
In November of 2005, the show was cancelled. The show was supposed to be revived as a short series. In 2011, the series made another debut as a new show called Teen Titans, Go! that was aired on Cartoon Network.
One of the most popular episodes of Teen Titans was season one episode two, Sisters. Starfire is attacked by an alien device that was sent to planet Earth to capture her. The titans go back to their house to find that Starfire’s sister, Blackfire, is at their house. Starfire thinks that her sister is replacing her as a Teen Titan. Since she feels this way, she goes to the roof to leave when Robin tells her to stay. She soon finds out that they wanted her sister the whole time. Blackfire’s devious plan was to get Starfire to take her place in jail. After this, a fight breaks out against Blackfire.
Here’s a link that you can use to watch this episode!
DANIEL P. • Apr 29, 2014 at 1:59 pm
My favorite character from Teen Titans is Cyborg because I can contribute to him since I wear ankle braces.