Eighth and ninth grade varsity chorus had a concert on May 1, 2014. The instructor of the chorus is Jessica Connell. The chorus sang songs including: “Jubilate Alleluia”, “The River Sleeps Beneath the Sky”, “Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel”, “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, “She Sings”, “Al Tambor”, “Sail Away”, “Unwritten”. This was the last concert for the chorus for this year. In less than a month they will be going to compete at Six Flags.
Ninth grader, Zack Detwiler gets his flower put on. There were many parents putting flowers on the students. The flowers were to represent the ninth graders, since this was their last chorus concert. Photo by Hannah BarrA select group of chorus members try out at the beginning of the year to be in vocal ensemble. This group of vocalists perform first at the concert. They are made up of eighth and ninth graders. Photo by Hannah Barr
Music department pianist, Pam Meiser is in charge of playing the piano for the songs. Meiser sets the tempo for the song. Her job is to play the accompaniment for the songs. Photo by Hannah BarrVocal ensemble performs their last song to “Wake Me Up.” During this song, they put their arms around eachother and sang the song like that. After the middle of the song, they incorporated a small dance. Photo by Hannah BarrChoral director, Jessica Connell conducts the chorus. Connell is in charge of directing the students and the pianist. She keeps everyone at the same tempo so that either of them speed up or slow down. Photo by Hannah BarrVarsity chorus, which is made up of eighth and ninth graders, sings their opening song, “Jubilate Alleluia.” The Varsity Chorus is made up of over 200 students. Photo by Hannah BarrJessica Connell holds up the card that she received from a ninth grader. Before the last song, ninth graders came out and gave her cards. They were sad that this was their last concert. Photo by Hannah BarrNinth grader, Trena’ Johnson performed a solo. A week before the concert, Jessica Connell had students try out for solo. Johnson got the first solo in “Unwritten.” Photo by Hannah BarrEighth grader, Natalie Holsey performed the second solo. She tried out for Jessica Connell, the chorus teacher and got the second solo in “Unwritten.” Photo by Hannah Barr
KAYBIA D. • May 14, 2014 at 4:20 pm
The chorus did an amazing job, wish I was there to see it.
BRITTNEY F. • May 13, 2014 at 1:08 pm
Wonderful photography skills.
NATHAN W. • May 12, 2014 at 8:02 pm
Great job chorus, all though I wasn’t there it would have sounded awesome anyway. Natalie made the front page… Lucky