Pets Gone Wild
Highlights a student’s pet every week
This week is the last week of Pet’s Gone Wild! To finish off this blog we have Mugna Kay. Mugna Kay belongs to ninth grader Megan Streightiff. She is a pug and terrier mix. She weighs 14 pounds and is 12 inches tall.
The name Mugna Kay is very special to Megan.
“When I was little my cousin told me stories and Mugna Kay was one of the main characters,” Streightiff said.
She is a very special dog to Megan.
“I taught her to climb the tree in our backyard,” Streightiff said.
She is a very good house hold pet.
“She absolutely loves attention,” Streightiff said. “She also plays with a ball three times her size,” Streightiff said.
She can also be a pain.
“She curls up in small spaces and sometimes we can’t find her,” Streightiff said.
She is also very family and kid friendly.
“She is a small dog and good at cuddling,” Streightiff said.
These types of dogs need very good care. They need to be washed a couple times a month.
“I wash Mugna Kay every other week,” Streightiff said.
They also need to be walked every day.
“I take her out on walks every day, she loves the outside,” Streightiff said.
Landon Stehley, 7th grade • Nov 19, 2024 at 9:35 pm
My heart goes out to dogs