Students need some Z’s

Willow Yingling

Teenagers who attend school all understand the dreaded ring of the alarm clock. It is very annoying and wakes students up from their long needed slumber.

With this in mind sleep is essential, especially if people want to function properly for the upcoming day.  Most students in the education system have a severe lack of sleep. It affects a significant portion of the youth.

School can cause a great deal of stress.  When the stress is increased, sometimes students lose sleep, and just push off their work so they could work in a nap for a bit. School work is a large workload that takes up the average of one to two hours a night.

“I have two to three hours of homework a night. Some nights I just have to study.  It all depends on the week,” ninth grade honor student Antonia Fama said.

There are a lot of potential health issues that could happen to a sleep deprived student.  Some of the potential issues could be anxiety, depression, heart disease, weight gain, stroke and others.  Those are just the tip of the iceberg of health complications that could happen.

Sleep is very crucial.  More students need to take into consideration they need to get the proper amount of sleep on a daily basis. It would be very beneficial if more students took time off their technology and actually went to sleep.

“I spend all night on my laptop watching Netflix, and it just gets difficult to focus on other things such as sleep or school work for instance,” ninth grade student Jared Markel said.

School is not the only aspect of life that can cause late nights, and an abundance of procrastination, but after school activities possibly could. If you are a typical person that thinks that you can always do it later, then you are at the grasp of procrastination.

Much of the youth just put it off so they can lounge around, or do any after school activities that he/she participates in.  It can be very difficult to juggle school, family, friends, and activities on a daily basis.

“I do dance and it takes around three a nights,” Fama said.

With a somewhat stricter sleeping schedule students would be able to sleep more, and not push off their school duties. Things to do before “bedtime” could be exercising beforehand, turning off your technology, create a routine, or even changing some of the things eaten at nighttime.

Sleep is needed thing for every student. It may seem at first easy to function, and that it may be no big deal that a couple hours here and there are skipped.  Those hours begin to add up, and the tiresome feeling begins to overwhelm the youth in the education system.