Editorial: Chromebooks help save paper

Ninth grader, Morgan Baker, works on her Chromebook during class. She is typing an essay for her Civics class.


Ninth grader, Morgan Baker, works on her Chromebook during class. She is typing an essay for her Civics class.

With the new introduction of Chromebooks for eighth and ninth graders, a multitude of paper is being saved by the school. Chromebooks are a wonderful resource for students and teachers.

Since students have their chromebooks, they can now do and turn in assignments and essays virtually to their teachers, instead of handing in a paper. This has caused a lot of paper to be saved by the school.

Students can use programs such as Google Classroom to view and open assignments. They can then complete the assignment their teacher assigned and turn it in virtually. The teacher is then able to view the completed work and submit a grade to the student.

In the past, teachers would give students papers and the student would complete them and hand them in. With the new introduction of Chromebooks to all eighth and ninth grades, these papers are being saved.  

Although some may say that a hard copy of a paper or assignment is easier for students, it is much more beneficial for the assignments and handouts to be online. If a hard copy of a paper were to get lost, there would be no way to get it back. If students were to accidentally delete something off of their Chromebook, they can mostly always press undo to retrieve your assignment.

Chromebooks help save paper by providing students with ways to type their essays online. Now, students can submit all their essays online to their teachers. 

If this many papers are being saved, this has a very positive effect on the environment. If school aren’t using as much paper, then not as many trees will need to be cut down for paper.  

An example of how paper is being saved is that many teachers are switching their paper and pencil bellringers to online bellringers students can turn in virtually. Students no longer have to turn in a paper with their answer, they can just submit the assignment online.

Another example of how paper is being saved is that students can now do online review games instead of working on a review packet. Students can now participate in online review games which eliminates the need for a written paper packet. Now with Chromebooks, teachers no longer need to print out packets for students. They can just put all the questions online for the students.

The Chromebooks definitely benefit the school by helping save paper, and making assignments easier to turn in. Chromebooks were a good investment made by the school.