Editorial: 17 ways to honor those who lost their lives in the Parkland Shooting

Ben Blackie

Students in Makenzie Wilt’s eighth grade classroom write postcards to Parkland students after viewing the television segment created by AAHS students.

One month ago, the Parkland, Florida shooting occurred. This shooting was devastating and caused the tragic loss of 14 high school students and three male staff members. Across the nation, many schools planned to walk out on March 14. Although many students participated in the walkout, it wasn’t the safest way to express concerns about the current gun control laws. Students can show there respect for the Parkland students and bring attention to gun control in so many other ways.

The Top 17 list

1.  Hold moment of silence for those who lost their lives on Feb. 14 at the Florida high school.

2.   Create a mural or different artwork to send to the students who are healing or place the artwork in this school in remembrance.

3.   Put nice messages on post it notes on lockers to spread love.

4.  Hold a ROAR day where students can receive lion loot for wearing the Parkland School colors.

5.   Organize a fundraiser memorial walk.

6.  Have a candlelight vigil or have lanterns to light up and bring to school to hang around the hallways to remember victims.

7.  Host a talent show and name awards after those who lost their lives to commemorate the victims of the shooting.

8. Establish a day off school where students can go help with community service and help better the town by volunteering somewhere.

9. Create posters around the school about school safety to reassure the students within the school.

10.  Create cards to send to Parkland and write nice messages inside the cards.

11. Wear a ribbon in the memory of the victims.

12.  Write down seventeen things to be thankful for and put the responses on the walls.

13.  Hold an assembly and learn more about gun safety and encourage students if they see something suspicious report it.

14.  The Livewire offers a scavenger hunt with 17 different prizes to 17 students who complete the hunt first.

15.  Hold a sports day where students pay money to get into the area and the proceeds would go to a charity created to honor the victims.

16.  Donate money to a scholarship fund in the victims’ names.

17.   Make shirts that will be sold then the proceeds would be donated to the scholarship fund.

This devastating shooting will not be forgotten, and students will continue to honor those who lost their lives and take efforts to try to prevent this from ever happening again.