Writing club needed


Writing is a pure art form that expresses feelings of others. It depends on the flow of latent thoughts and words. A few written words have the power of changing the history of the world. An author is willing to write a lively novel that may change a whole person which makes a better future for diverse minds. An author has the power of rainbows to make everyone glad. An author has the power of the darkness to create a gloomy mood.

The school should organize a young authors club.This club should have all of the writing genres including fan fiction and creative writing. It also should give these young authors a decent learning experience. The club could teach the students how to make a variety of novels’ covers as well. 

To start, the school needs a faculty sponsor. Then the club needs the principal support followed by board approval of a stipend for the faculty adviser. The club would write a constitution to have their rules set up for the club. Gathering students interest would be one of the first steps to take as well.

Yes, the club will need lots of money. The students can help by paying a fee when joining the club. The students can also work on fundraisers such as selling chocolate or posters. 

The club is worth every cent because it supports young authors and gives them a great experience.

Just imagining a kid publishing a book at a young age is superior. The young author’s ability of creative writing will reach an apex of success by participating in a club. The success of these young authors will also bring the school access to writing award and national acclaim. Not only that, but think about national competitions. 

If the administration and school board approved such a club, young authors will take the chance without thinking more than once.