News Brief: Fun Fridays make students day!


Allison Little

Friendly competition! Students play the game, “Categories, ” in Disabito’s Fun Friday this week. They all work very hard to win those extra credit points!

Robyn DiSabato does a great job creating a fun and interactive learning environment for her students! Fun Fridays are days that students do only fun activities like jungle survival challenges, singing, or creating origami!

Covid-19 has taken a toll on teenagers’ social lives and has caused a lot of sadness. For lots of students, work has begun piling up and students perform his or her best to complete all of it on time, but some teachers, like DiSabato, have made learning and school lively and exciting. Fun Fridays are games, sometimes competitive, that occur on the last day of the week in DiSabato’s class!

“Covid and virtual learning have taken a toll on all of us. With all the regulations and restrictions in place, I was struggling to have fun at school. One Friday morning, my son was telling me how excited he was to go to school because it was “Fun Friday”. I immediately said to myself–you don’t have to be in first grade to have Fun Friday. Eighth graders deserve to have fun, too! And it’s been a staple in my classroom ever since.” 

She plans on continuing these Fun Fridays in the future seeing as it has been a wild success this year.