Keeping up with the lions
The following are the events for Monday, May 23 to Friday, May 27:
Monday, May 23:
- PBIS Finally assembly
Wednesday, May 25:
- Recess day grades Six- Eight
Friday, May 27:
- Wear the color for your grade & get two eBucks
Sixth grade- Red , Seventh grade-White and Eighth grade – Blue
Thursday, May 26:
- Seventh and eighth grade Fine Arts Trip to Hershey Park
[Information according to and]

Hi! My name is Izabella McCarthy, and I'm an eighth grade reporter. I love to hangout with friends, my baby sister and my pets. I used to play softball,...

Hello! My name is Melissa Krainer, and I’m a staff member of Livewire. Writing has always been one of my greatest passions, and I am very excited to...