News brief: Behind The Scenes of JPP

Ingrid Steward

Bradley Musselman, Rylan Horell and Alec Layton are filming. This shot was taken in the gym area!

Everyone loves that part of the month when we get a break from class to enjoy amusing video segments from the Junior Paw Productions. What many people don’t see is all the work, time and effort that goes into making these videos.

The staff has a deadline to meet every segment that they do. The students are given one week to film, and one week to edit. That means that there are only two weeks that are put into making these videos, which can be challenging for the staff.

You may see the staff around the school in the morning. This is because they are always trying to find new people around the school to interview and get different opinions.

“We like to involve the students from the school,” said eighth grade staff member Skylar Irwin.

JPP is a great way to help students socialize.

“It gives us an opportunity to hear what other students are thinking,” said eighth grade staff member Dominic Nardozza.

JPP staff also have editing to do. They are getting all this footage and have to shorten it all up to make a great video. They use Adobe Premiere Pro Software for their editing, and it is a great tool for them to have.

Don’t forget to watch the Junior Paw Production’s new segment on Jan. 31. Next time you see the staff in the halls, remember to say hi…I don’t think they bite!