Attention Students: The library is mailing overdue notices home to parents on Friday, February 2nd. Please return or renew your library books as soon as possible.
Altoona JH wrestlers defeated hometown rival Hollidaysburg last night by score of 62-20. Earning pins on the night were Dom Picciotti, Brandt Hite, Deklan Barr, Brayden Wible, Reese Hite, Dom Verticelli, Caleb Darpino and Mike Colyer.
Attention Students: The library is hosting its monthly Lego Club meeting on Wednesday, February 7th from 2:45 to 3:30 in the library. Please sign up in the library if you plan to attend and be sure to have a ride at the main doors by 3:30.
Attention staff and students: This week, the Friends of Rachel Club is sponsoring a kindness week challenge. Today’s theme is “double up on kindness” and the challenge is to compliment someone. Tomorrow’s theme is “words that can’t be taken back” so wear your shirt backwards. Be the ‘I’ in kind!
Attention students: Here is a math question: What is the value of 7777 squared divided by the quantity (5555 × 2222) ? If you like puzzles and riddles and the 24 game, come to our Mathcounts meeting Wednesday after school from 2:45 until 3:30. Please see Mrs. Abbott in C275 for details or email.
Mathcount students: Please remember to bring your permission slip to Mrs. Abbott today for the competition Saturday!