AAJHS welcomes new club

Students checked out posters to sign up for scholastic scrimmage.

NunoAgostinho at Portuguese Wikibooks [Public domain]

Students checked out posters to sign up for scholastic scrimmage.

Danielle Bardelang, Reporter

The Scholastic Scrimmage team was welcomed into the list of AAJHS clubs this past November. The team is a club where members work together to answer academic questions based on science, literature, history, geography, government and mathematics. 

Wes Rogers advises the team and prepares members to compete against other local junior high and middle schools in the JV Scholastic Quiz Competition. 

“I have long wanted to start a quiz bowl team here at the junior high school, and when I found out there was already a competition hosted at the Intermediate Unit, I decided to move forward with the team,” Rogers said.

The team meets every Wednesday right after school until 3:30 p.m. 

“We do a practice Kahoot so that we can see what questions we are able to do and that we aren’t, and we also use buzzers to learn more about the competition setting,” eighth grade student Sarah Saylor said.

Students are setting goals for the end of the season and for future years.

“I think I would like to learn more things and just broaden my own knowledge because I just like knowing little random facts about a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I always find it fun to be able to join into any random conversation,” eighth grade student Jake Yohn said.

Students travel to up to three competitions.

“I’m just excited to go to a competition, have it be recorded because the big one is on WPSU and be able to test my knowledge and see how much I know and help our team win,” eighth grader Jacob Cegler said.

Students originally found out about the team the the morning announcements.

“I’ve always had a love of trivia. I’ve always wanted to do anything with trivia or guessing games,” eighth grader Daniel Kelley said.

Students will continue to work towards winning their competitions.