In the cafeteria for the 2013/14 school year, the cafeteria workers took away the black, plastic trays. These helped because the students could put the food and drinks they bought on them and they could easily be carried. The cafeteria should bring the trays back.
With the styrofoam trays, students have a better chance of dropping their food. This is because the styrofoam trays are flimsy and aren’t durable. With a lot of weight on them, the trays could break while the student is carrying his food. The food he would be carrying would be ruined and he would have wasted his money.
Also, there is a limited amount of space on these trays. On these trays, there are five spots. There is a spot for the main food, for milk and three small spots for sides. If a student wants a bigger lunch, he or she must get two trays or put it on one and hope it doesn’t break.

The cafeteria staff says that it is to cut down on germs and make lunch more sanitary. Lunch is less sanitary without the plastic trays because the trash fills up quicker. When there is more trash, it creates more germs. Instead of having the trash build up, they should bring the plastic trays back. If the trays are cleaned, there should be few germs on them which makes lunch more sanitary.
With the change in trays, the trash has seemed to fill up quicker. The trash bags seem to need changed more often than before. There is more trash in the cans because even if a student gets a bag of chips, they need a tray. When they get the tray, it creates more trash because instead of just having the bag, they now have the bag and tray.
With the change, the school is spending more money. They need to buy more styrofoam trays when the amount gets low. With the plastic trays, they only needed to wash them. The school only had to pay for a certain number of plastic trays because of only needing washed. Now they need to buy a certain amount of styrofoam trays more often.