Student council is school wide club that anyone is eligible to join. Each grade level has a club adviser that holds meetings where events are organized.
Student council is available to seventh, eighth and ninth grades. Students must sign up at the beginning of the year once an announcement is made. Each grade level hold meetings that discuss different topics. Each grade level holds meetings on different days once a week.
“Eighth graders have meetings every Thursday in Mrs. Bronson’s room,” eighth grader student council member Sydney Berish said.
The seventh grade adviser is Linda Nagle, the eighth grade adviser is Beth Bronson and the ninth grade adviser is Deb Miller.
“I have been a student council adviser for ten years now,” ninth grade adviser Deb Miller said.
The main activities that student council helps with are setting up and taking down Harvestfest in the fall, working the concession stands for the school dances, the sports events, helping with lollipop days and doing an annual Barnes and Noble event.
“My favorite event with student council event was helping with Harvest fest,” ninth grader Brynn Danison said.
Students council members must accumulate points for working events and attending meetings to qualify for a year end reward.
“The best advice I would give to future members would be get enough points for the trip,” Berish said.
The latest event student council covered was the seventh and eighth grade dance concession stand and Easter egg hunt for the staff and their families. The eighth grade student council made plans on doing a school lock-in that all the members will help run and put on for the first time.
This year Altoona held the annual student council conference. The members of the junior high and high school could participate in the workshops, guest speakers, dinners and the a formal dance. The members of the junior high help run booths at this event.