The AASD Box Top collection of 2014 has commenced. From the dates of March 24 to May 23, box tops are being collected by homeroom teachers from students.
This is a nation-wide fundraiser, but each school earns for themselves. It involves any student bringing in General Mills Box Tops and giving them to their homeroom teacher. Box Tops can be found on many products such as: apparel, cereal, paper products, tableware and others. For a full list of participating products, visit “”
The coordinator of this operation is Robyn Disabato.
“I supervise the flow of the collection, send out newsletters, set up the contests, and collect all of the Box Tops to be sorted accordingly,” Disabato said. “Students can give however many Box Tops they have to their homeroom teacher and I have a community service worker that goes around to collect them.”
Box Tops are a Scholastic product, but the collection is done through the QSITE community. At the end of the collection, all box tops are sent to Scholastic, and a specific amount of money is returned according to how many Box Tops were submitted. Each Box Tops is worth $0.10.
2013’s overall collection included just under 30,000 Box Tops, amounting to around $2800-$2900 just for the school. The goal for 2014 was to earn as much or more than the previous year. So far, over 50,000 have been collected. This leads to $5000 in earnings for the school.
An electronic alternative to paper Box Tops are eBoxtops. How these work are when you buy any three participating Box Tops products, you can receive eight eBoxtops by registering them online at “” After this, you choose the school you wish to support and they are sent automatically. The eight eBoxtops recieved are valued at $1 or $0.125 each.
The Profits from this collection go directly to the school. They are used to bring in guest speakers, create beautification projects around the school and other things.

Matt Zupon • May 30, 2014 at 2:33 pm
Dang I missed the time period wish I could’ve helped. Box tops are a wonderful thing and I feel empty for not bringing them in
SHAWN B. • May 29, 2014 at 9:43 pm
RYAN S. • May 28, 2014 at 12:16 pm
I brought in a couple plastic bags with them in!
WILLIAM M. • May 23, 2014 at 2:54 pm
People are really saving up box tops. keep up the good work. Matt Z.
HADLEY H. • May 28, 2014 at 12:14 pm
I am going to bring in my box tops right away!
SARAH D. • May 19, 2014 at 9:02 pm
The boxtops are due on the 23rd right?
Tyler Pulcine • May 21, 2014 at 2:34 pm
Yes, all Box Tops should be submitted by May 23.
NATHAN W. • May 15, 2014 at 12:18 am
I’m still saving up my box tops til I have 200