Inquiring Photographer

Who is your favorite teacher and why?

“Mrs. Hetric because she is really fun,” ninth grade student Isaiah Freet said.
“Mr. Garlick because he is really cool,” eighth grader Cecelia Gebhardt said.
“Mr. Welsh because he is funny and makes it fun for me,” seventh grade student Gwyneth Rentz said.
“Mrs. Szabat because she is funny and sarcastic,”  eighth grader Lindsey Gillmen said.
“My favorite teacher is Mrs. Baughman because she is nice and is a good math teacher,” seventh grade student Brayden Adams said.
“Mr. Pincherri because he is fun and gets things done,” seventh grader Gioivi Smith said.
“Mr. Clouser because he is really funny,” eighth grader McKenna Leonard said.
“Mr. Welsh because he is nice, funny and kind,” seventh grader April Saflarski said.


“My favorite teacher is Mrs. Krott because I like her personally,” ninth grade student Jadie Pensyl said.
“Mrs. Mackareth is my favorite teacher because she teaches science and makes things fun,” eighth grader Paige Beegle said.