Junior high to become middle school
Let’s play! Kent Martin teaches his class how to play the 12 bar blues. The introduction to guitar class was only a marking period, but soon this, and many other marking period classes, will be a full semester long.
On March 13, the fifth and sixth grade classes in every elementary school will tour the current junior high in preparation for next year.
Being one of the last schools in the area to convert from a junior high to a middle school, many people have hopes for this new school.
“I hope the students will still be offered the same number of electives that there were in the past to give them experiences they wouldn’t get outside of school,” ninth grade art and pottery teacher John King said.
“Well I certainly hope the art teachers will stay and the drama club,” seventh grade English teacher Angela Baughman said.
However, some teachers are also nervous about this drastic change.
“I hate change, but I feel that I’m happy about a new adventure,” ninth grade civics teacher Robyn Dixon said.
“If I have to be honest the thing that makes me most nervous is moving from teaching ninth graders to now teaching seventh graders. I think the skill level might not be as good due to the age difference,” King said.
The junior high’s building will not change as much as the high school building; however, there will still be many changes. Classes may be relocated and different electives will be offered to different grades now.
“I think the major changes will be in the elective area. Seventh grade will be seeing art and music for a semester. You’re familiar with marking period classes we have now; we will not have any marking period classes. In eighth grade, all of the electives are going to change; they’re going to be able to take yearbook and newspaper if they wanted to and we’ve had some changes in those electives. They’re being adjusted and adapted for eighth grade,” Principal Lori Mangan said.
Mangan will remain as administrator of the middle school along with the current administrative team.
“I think the benefits are bringing the sixth grade students here and giving them the opportunities that we have as a secondary school. I think it will give our eighth grade students more opportunities to have choices in electives,” Mangan said.

Hey! I'm Mykenzi Doran, or Mac, a freshman here at the AAJHS! I love taking pictures and writing, so being a part of our school's newspaper is amazing. ...