Community offers lunch option during school closures
The community is offering several options for students seeking lunch while school is not in session.
- Knickerbocker Stop in and be provided with PB and J, small snack and fruit.
- Claysburg Pizza FREE lunch to children 18 years of age and under. Kids will receive 2 cuts of pizza and a small drink Tuesday-Friday 11am-3pm (Valid March 17th to March 27, 2020). No questions asked.
- AAJHS AASD to offer Grab and Go Box Lunch Option for StudentsBeginning Tuesday, March 17, the Altoona Area School District will offer a free box lunch to any student ages 2-18. The lunches will be offered every week day; Tuesday, March 17 through Friday, March 27, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM.The Altoona Area Jr. High School will be the main distribution site for the lunches. Lunches will be distributed from the Main Office Entrance Doors located on 7th Avenue.
Every child 18 years or younger may take one lunch. Children must be present to receive a lunch and all food must be consumed off-site.
In an effort to reach students outside the city, there will be limited off-site delivery by AASD student transportation along traditional outlying bus routes. Distribution locations and times will be announced late day Monday, March 16. Children must be present to receive a lunch.
- Wright School In light of Gov. Tom Wolf’s order to close all K-12 schools in Pennsylvania for two weeks, The Nehemiah Project in Altoona will offer free take-out breakfasts and lunches to school-age youth throughout Blair County during those 10 school days.Wolf has closed the schools as a measure to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.The meals can be picked up at the former Wright Elementary School, 1809 11th St. The meals cannot be eaten at the former school.
Breakfast will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m., and lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. March 16-20 and March 23-27.
For more information, call 201-2096 or message The Nehemiah Project on its Facebook page.