Students, the end of the year is approaching, and we are about halfway through the fourth marking period. Do you need help with your homework, assignments, etc.
Well, homework help located into room 234 is open Monday-Friday after school from 2:40-4:10 p.m.
There’s no need to sign up. Just show up! We have dedicated teachers that are there to help.
Attention Students: Mini-Thon tickets are on sale this week. Here is when you can purchase your tickets. Cost is $10 and can be purchased in Room 212.
6th grade can purchase on Monday and Tuesday.
7th grade can purchase on Wednesday and Thursday.
8th grade can purchase Thursday during Period 6 and Friday during Period 4.
Monday the 22nd will be anyone that didn’t purchase one and wanted to.
Please see Mrs. Bronson in Room 212 if you have any questions.
Congratulations to all A-pin winners. You achieved 90 or above in all classes for the year. Please check your email. Complete the form to claim your t-shirt. Please complete by Apr 18, 2024. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Grassmyer. If no one responds by noon today, you will receive an XL.
AAJHS will hold an IXL competition for the month of April, for ELA students in grades 6 and 7. Let’s see which class can master the most skills! Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 OVERALL classes, as well as the teachers of those classes. GOOD LUCK!
Listen up Think Lab participants – today’s the day! Think Lab meets today, April 17th. Join Ms. Gardner and Miss Astle in Room C258 today – after school until 3:30. Today we’ll be exploring Ooblek. All students in all grade levels are welcome and encouraged to check it out. Be sure you schedule your ride to pick you up at 3:30 if you plan to stay! See Ms. Gardner in Room C258 with any questions!
“Attention all 7th and 8th graders. The 4 on 4 junior high Mt Lion Football tournament is being held on Sunday morning, April 28th. Please see Coach Camberg, room 431, if you’re interested in signing up a team to compete against other local athletes.”
The softball team split with state college last night, winning the A game 17-6. Madi Ball was 4 for 5 and pitched a complete game. Natalie Baker, Emalyn Rickabaugh, and Kayla Gibbons all recorded two hits each. Emma Klein had 4 RBIs that sealed the win. In the B game Hailey Wall recorded 11 strikeouts in the pitching circle.”
The Altoona White Baseball Team split yesterday’s double header with Cambria Heights.
Although Altoona’s comeback fell short in Game one 5 to 4, Carter McConnell threw 3 innings in relief; giving up 0 hits and striking out 5.
In Game 2, the Altoona bats came to life in their 15 to 0 victory. The team tallied 12 hits with Thomas Kessinger leading the way with 3 hits. Eli Adams pitched 2 innings of no-hit baseball, striking out 3. Great Job Team!
The Lego Club is having its monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 1st from 2:45- 3:30 in the library. If you are interested in attending, please stop by the library to sign up and be sure to have a ride at the main doors by 3:30.