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The student news site of Altoona Area Junior High School



Dominic Danastasio

Dominic Danastasio, Reporter

Hello! My name is Dominic Danastasio, and I am an eighth grader at AAJHS. I enjoy photography and writing a lot, so being able to write for Livewire is an honor! I started a newspaper for my class in fourth grade just so I could share my writing with my peers, so I’m extremely happy to share my passion of writing with everyone at AAJHS. In school I like to play the trumpet, read and get along with my friends. I have joined the Elementary Jazz Band and the Second Junior High Jazz Band in the past, and I have also participated in other school concerts, such as Band Bash. Outside of school, I like to talk with my friends, compose music, play a wide variety of games, learn to speak Italian and of course, write. I always strive to have good morals and to make as many people as possible happy. I strongly believe in the quote by Norman Vincent Peale, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.”

All content by Dominic Danastasio